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DEX Integration Guidelines

To facilitate integration of your DEX into the Jupiter Core Engine, you will need to provide a DEX SDK that works with the Jupiter AMM Interface.

pub trait Amm {
// Maybe trait was made too restrictive?
fn from_keyed_account(keyed_account: &KeyedAccount, amm_context: &AmmContext) -> Result<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// A human readable label of the underlying DEX
fn label(&self) -> String;
fn program_id(&self) -> Pubkey;
/// The pool state or market state address
fn key(&self) -> Pubkey;
/// The mints that can be traded
fn get_reserve_mints(&self) -> Vec<Pubkey>;
/// The accounts necessary to produce a quote
fn get_accounts_to_update(&self) -> Vec<Pubkey>;
/// Picks necessary accounts to update it's internal state
/// Heavy deserialization and precomputation caching should be done in this function
fn update(&mut self, account_map: &AccountMap) -> Result<()>;

fn quote(&self, quote_params: &QuoteParams) -> Result<Quote>;

/// Indicates which Swap has to be performed along with all the necessary account metas
fn get_swap_and_account_metas(&self, swap_params: &SwapParams) -> Result<SwapAndAccountMetas>;

/// Indicates if get_accounts_to_update might return a non constant vec
fn has_dynamic_accounts(&self) -> bool {

/// Indicates whether `update` needs to be called before `get_reserve_mints`
fn requires_update_for_reserve_mints(&self) -> bool {

// Indicates that whether ExactOut mode is supported
fn supports_exact_out(&self) -> bool {

fn get_user_setup(&self) -> Option<AmmUserSetup> {

fn clone_amm(&self) -> Box<dyn Amm + Send + Sync>;

/// It can only trade in one direction from its first mint to second mint, assuming it is a two mint AMM
fn unidirectional(&self) -> bool {

/// For testing purposes, provide a mapping of dependency programs to function
fn program_dependencies(&self) -> Vec<(Pubkey, String)> {

fn get_accounts_len(&self) -> usize {
32 // Default to a near whole legacy transaction to penalize no implementation

/// The identifier of the underlying liquidity
/// Example:
/// For RaydiumAmm uses Openbook market A this will return Some(A)
/// For Openbook market A, it will also return Some(A)
fn underlying_liquidities(&self) -> Option<HashSet<Pubkey>> {

/// Provides a shortcut to establish if the AMM can be used for trading
/// If the market is active at all
fn is_active(&self) -> bool {

get_accounts_to_update provides the necessary accounts to fetch, they are batched and cached by the Jupiter Core Engine and delivered through update to the AMM instance, there might be multiple calls to quote using the same cache so we do not allow any network calls in the entire implementation.

You can refer to the implementation guide below for easier integration with Jupiter.


  • We need to be able to fork your SDK. This is to ensure our users that we can guarantee maintenance, support for the SDK, and fix potential bugs related to integrated DEXs.